I'm a Hybrid

By: Megan Ahmed


I practice both aesthetic and medical dermatology, what does that really mean? 

Ultimately, the goals are completely different. 

In aesthetic dermatology my focus is to help the patient "look" their best for cosmetic reasons alone. This majority of the time means I recommend treatments or products to help them achieve this. 

Whereas in medical dermatology I treat patients with conditions that affect the hair, skin and nails. My focus is the overall health of the patient but often times a successful treatment will provide a cosmetic improvement as well. Acne, Rosacea, Rashes and full body checks are just some examples of medical dermatology visits I see. 

Will I ever switch to just aesthetics? ABSOLUTELY not. 

I love my medical dermatology patients. 

I love utilizing the education and prescribing rights I was given through my years of schooling. 

I love that I can provide my patients care that helps them achieve healthy skin while also giving them confidence to look their best.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.